Open this book to discover ten stories of family, friendship laughter, magic and peril – On different genres and styles but all about joy.

Joseph is going to attempt to join a library in every district in the UK over the coming year to highlight their benefit and to celebrate their services.
Tatenda says thank you every day, whenever he can. Thank you to Mum for making his breakfast, thank you to the post lady who delivers the letters, thank you to his teacher and thank you to the shop assistant. But lately it seems that everyone's heads are too foggy with worry to hear him. So Tatenda says an extra-big, extra-special thank you... and this time, it cheers up the whole community
Daphne is unbearably sad and adrift. She feels the painful loss of her father acutely and seeks solace both in the security of her local library and the escape her phone screen provides by blocking out the world around her. As Daphne tries to make sense of what has happened she recalls memories of shared times and stories past, and in facing the darkness she finds a way back from the tangle of fear and confusion, to feel connected once more with her friends and family.
This touching picture book subtly deals with big emotions such as loss, with an uplifting and hopeful message about being yourself and the importance of family and talking about worries. Told through the voice of a little girl who is labeled as quiet and shy, No Longer Alone follows her tumult of emotions as she navigates the world around her. But when she finally shares her feelings and tells her Dad all the things that are worrying her, she no longer feels so alone.