A beautifully illustrated portrait of one complete year in nature, with a poem dedicated to each month from January through December.
The Bookseller – Fiona Noble’s January 2019 previews:
“Coelho takes us on a lyrical journey through a year in nature in 12 inspirational poems, vibrantly illustrated in Judd’s appealing folk art styles.”
“See how animals behave through the seasons, and the cycle of trees and plants, from
the first blossoms of spring through to the stark winter wonderland in December. 12 inspiring poems from Joseph
Coelho, paired with folk art from Kelly Louise Judd give this book year-round appeal”
“Joseph Coelho shares an exclusive poem from his new month-by-month collection, A Year of Nature Poems – and explains why nature and the outdoors are such a big inspiration.”
Booktrust – Books We Love review:
”As to be expected with Coelho’s writing, a lot of the imagery is heart-flutteringly lovely and powerful…The book is less of an almanac and more like fuel for creative children who want to channel their own emotions into writing, inspired by the variety in the world around them. …It reassuringly shows that emotions come and go, just like the seasons – and the bad times always pass.”
review on 5th of January by Sara Keating:
“Finally, why not begin the year with Joseph Coelho’s A Year of Nature Poems (Wide Eyed, £11.99, all ages), which opens with a poem dedicated to the legend of starlings warring in “the January nip” of a Cork city sky in the 1600s. With a poem for each month of the year, Coelho finds wonder in the natural world, from February’s “frog baby creche” to the “newly emerged stubble” of budding grass in May. Kelly Louise Judd’s illustrations lend a winsome wraparound vision of the changing seasons, from spring’s first awakening to December’s gently falling snow.”
front cover and authorgraph interview by Charlotte Hacking (CLPE poetry expert and judge of CLIPPA):
“His latest work is the sumptuously illustrated, A Year of Nature Poems. ‘Since I was a kid, nature has been so important to me. Even though I grew up on a council estate in Roehampton, it’s a hugely green area, Richmond Park was on our doorstep. I spent a lot of time playing out, exploring, climbing trees, I’ve always had a real wonder with nature. I had a box of dead things under my bed (which I’d found, not killed!); I was fascinated…
This collection was an opportunity to think back to that connection with nature, which was more vibrant as a kid. The summer holidays seemed to last forever. We didn’t go away on holiday so I was just running about wild, exploring things, collecting frogspawn.’ The poems share the emotion caught up in these experiences, and give a greater depth to the beautiful imagery involved.”
Booktrust – Book of the Day– 2nd January:
“#AYearOfNaturePoems is a fabulous collection of verse from @PoetryJoe, with beautiful illustrations from @swanbones – it’ll take you right through 2019, so we had to make it our #BookOfTheDay! @QuartoKids”
Parents in Touch – review:
“This is a beautifully produced book with a nostalgic and traditional feel that means it will appeal to all ages and never date. …The book reflects the poet’s love for nature and his desire to share that as widely as possible with poems that encourage contemplation about the world around us, and encourage us to slow down and think about the brief but telling introduction to each poem. A joyful celebration of nature.”
Readit Daddy – review 9th January:
“There are 12 inspiring poems in total from Joe, paired with folk art from Kelly to get your year off to a restful and mindful start.”
Reading Zone – review 15th January:
“Coelhos’s lyrical phrases are a thing of beauty …complemented by Judd’s illustrations. In full colour on every page, these are painterly and gentle, whispering of the wonders of nature. Almost all the poems make suggestions on how the writer interacts with nature, yet the conservation message is refreshingly left unpreached, allowing the reader to reflect and draw their own conclusion.”
Red Reading Hub – review 16th January:
“Here’s the perfect book to start off 2019 and give us all something to look forward to other than the doom and gloom that issues forth whenever one turns on the TV or radio news and current affairs…A year as seen through Joe Coelho’s poems offers a terrific sensory awakening to put us all in mindful mode, and perhaps inspire children to pen their own responses to the beauty of the natural world.”
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Age Range: 9 – 12 years
- Publisher: Wide Eyed Editions (3 Jan. 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1786035820
- ISBN-13: 978-1786035820
- Product Dimensions: 23.6 x 1 x 28.4 cm