Eaglesham Library, East Refrewshire
Joined on 14th May 2019
On entering the lovely little Eaglesham library, I was informed that a book bug session was in full swing. Bookbug is a brilliant initiative in Scotland run By The Scottish Booktrust where storytelling sessions happen all over Scotland. They also give out book bug packs to every child which im honoured to say that mine and Fiona Lumbers Luna Loves Library Day has featured in. It was so lovely to join a library whilst a book bug session was taking place. The Library was small but the stream of people coming through its doors in the shop time it took to sign me up was constant, a lady asking about photocopying, a gentleman searching for a child’s coat, lost in an earlier story telling session. the library was a constant buzz of activity.
To find out more about Bookbug here
Twitter: @ERCL4